Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Cartoons / Get Your Eyes Examined


“Well, that settles it! You’ve got to get bifocals!”
Walt Wetterberg
October 8, 1960


Cartoons: Get Your Eyes Examined

When it comes to laughs, the eyes have it!

August 24, 2022

Now then, what seems to be your trouble?
Chon Day
August 15, 1959


“The glasses are straight all right. It’s your head that’s crooked!”
John Norment
June 8, 1957


“All in all, he said my eyes were very good. I only need glasses for seeing.”
Bob Barnes
April 30, 1960


“Queen of spades!”
Brad Anderson
January 12, 1957


“New bifocals, eh?”
Stan Fine
December 14, 1947


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